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 Addictive Behaviors: New Readings on Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment

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Messages : 2281
Date d'inscription : 10/06/2014

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MessageSujet: Addictive Behaviors: New Readings on Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment   Addictive Behaviors: New Readings on Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment Icon_minitimeMer 20 Aoû - 21:14

Addictive Behaviors: New Readings on Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment
G. Alan Marlatt, Katie Witkiewitz
Addictive Behaviors: New Readings on Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment 001fb76b_medium

English | 2009-01-01 | ISBN: 1433804026 | 761 pages | PDF | 45.8 mb
Since the successful predecessor of this volume was first published, a new generation of research has become available on addictive behaviors such as drinking, smoking, and other substance use. The articles in this collection, reprinted from American Psychological Association journals, describe a wide range of biological, psychological, and social approaches to researching and treating addictive behaviors. The effects of addictive behaviors range from ill health and social and family problems to economic and legal troubles. Psychologists' roles in mediating the negative effects of addiction include researching the effects of drug action, studying the epidemiology and etiology of drug and alcohol abuse, designing prevention programs, understanding the trajectory of substance abuse and family risk factors, screening and assessment, finding the best models of treatment, and understanding the needs of specific populations. The latest approaches to all of these tasks are showcased in this volume, which will be of interest to clinical health psychologists and other mental health professionals from graduate students to seasoned clinicians and researchers.
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